Wednesday 30 March 2011

Blog Following...

I was so excited when I got up this morning & checked on my little blog.Do you want to know why?It's because I now have not 1,but 2 followers!! My new follower is Thea fom Thea & Sami!!
Now if anyone who has a blog knows,it is getting people to follow your blog,not just read it,that is the hard part.I keep checking,hoping that someone might be interested in my art & my little musings.I realise that these things take time & I will need to be patient.

So I want to send a big thank-you to Thea for choosing to follow my blog & also for leaving a lovely comment-you made my day:)

Art wise I have just about finished & will be listing 3 more little paintings on Etsy very soon.Two of these are new designs-one is a little owl( the first of many I hope) & one is of a babooska doll.The third is another lovely angel.I am also working on a cute little horse as well.I will let you know once they have been listed.

So stay tuned & I will let you know once they have been listed.
I hope you all had a great

Monday 28 March 2011

Being Present...

March 28th,2011

What does being present mean exactly?I think we would all argue that we are present in our lives,but are we really? I mean most of us go through our day fairly mindlessly,just praying that we get through it relatively unscathed & that everything on our exhaustive"to do" list gets done.

Last night I was reminded of how important & how easy it is to be present in any given moment.My husband & I were out on our nightly walk & we were blessed with seeing not one,but two magnificent owls.Now if I wasn't paying attention to what was going on around me I would have missed their regal presence.They were just beautiful & they let us get quite close to them so that we could get a good look.

My husband & I have been walking together at night for years & we have never seen any owls in the wild,we've seen plenty of wallabies,snakes & the occasional possum,but never an owl.Now if anyone knows me they know how much I love owls.During the day I'd started painting some canvases with little owls on them & that somehow this was just too big a coincidence that these 2 beautiful owls were suddenly in my physical world & not just cute images floating around in my imagination .

So,getting back to being more present in our lives,just remember to breath more & try not to think too far ahead.Pay particular attention to your children when they are talking to you,hug & kiss the ones you love more & pay attention to your physical & emotional wellbeing & maybe just maybe when you are out walking you will have the privilage of seeing a beautiful owl in the wild...

Let me know what you do to try & be more present in your everyday life.

Friday 25 March 2011

Combining Art & Family

March 25th,2011

Feeling pretty proud of myself.I managed to work 40ish hours,keep on top of the housework,finish some new canvases which I love & have just listed in my Etsy shop.(Be sure to check them out & let me know what you think).

What I am most proud of is that my girls have been great this week.They have been a great help to me this week with taking photos of my art & helping me with my blog. I am also proud of myself for not getting too stressed out, given that most nights I am not getting to bed until 11.30 pm & then getting up the following day at 5.30 am!!

The truth is I think that by allowing myself to be creative again has allowed me to de-stress at the end of the day.I know that I am itching to get home from work & get everything else done so that I can go & play with my paints & pastels.Most mornings I try to at least go & do a little layering on any of the canvases I am working on,just so that I get a little creative fix before I go to work.

Let me know what you do to de-stress & keep your sanity in this crazy fast paced world.I'd love to hear from you.
Here are the photos of the paintings I have just finished.Be sure to check them out.

Wednesday 23 March 2011

The Pursuit Of Happiness

23rd March,2011

Art Makes Me Happy!
Colour Makes Me Happy!

I am having so much fun at the moment stepping back into the world of handmade art & other lovelies.Even though doing this has added so much more to my crazy full life.But I realise I am happier & lighter in spirit than I have been in a long time.

I don't know about anyone else but life has had a tendency lately to feel quite hard.I think the pressure on families both financially & otherwise is at an all time high.Financial pressures aside,there are so many other influences waiting to tear at the fabric of our families.Having considered this,I am trying to make our lives here at home a little less complicated.

I have also felt lately a real shift in my psyche.As the world around me has become more demanding & complex I have felt a real pull towards living a simpler & more sustainable way of life.

I have realised I don't need or want more stuff,I just need & want more time.More time to do what you might ask.Well to spend with these lovely girls of mine who make me so proud to be their mother.When you look at the photos below you'll understand why.

Let me know what makes your heart sing.
Hope you had a lovely day everyone.xx

Monday 21 March 2011

Getting Organised

21st March,2011

Well seeing as today was the last day of my holidays before I go back to work I thought I better get myself organised.So this is what I did...

...Did 5 loads of washing & hung out & bought in said washing
...Washed up..twice
...Organised paperwork for my husband's business
...Hosed out the pergola
..Hosed out the bins
...Cleaned 2 bathrooms
...Picked up middle daughter & her friend from after school activities
...Worked on 4 canvasses
...Listed 2 more pieces on Etsy
...Argued with youngest daughter about the importance of being prepared for maths test tomorrow(Note the subtext that 9.30pm is not the time to let us know that you are having problems with your maths!!!)
...Worked on my blog

Can anyone tell me why I am so tired?
I've also included a photo of the cross stitch I am working on as well in all my spare time.It's a lovely piece by Birds of a Feather called "Scared Silly" & is worked on (with great difficulty I might add!) 32 count hand dyed sparrow linen.
It will look lovely when I finish it.

Leave me a comment & let me know what you did today & if you are working on any lovely cross stitch designs.I'd love to hear from you.xx

Saturday 19 March 2011

Feeling Old...

19th March,2011

What a steep learning curve this week has been.I've started a blog.joined facebook & I've just listed my first painting for sale on Etsy.So excited!! I've also finished about 15 paintings & will be listing them for sale as soon as I can.Please see below photos of some of my newest pieces,I'm especially fond of the girls.

Had a lovely day today with my middle daughter.After dropping my youngest off at a friends house we went out to gather more art supplies & then we had a lovely brunch at a cafe at our local library & then as it was raining we went to our local video store & hired a couple of movies.What a lovely way to spend the day....I'm cherishing every minute before I have to go back to work.

I will continue being playful & childlike until I have to return to the real world & then I will work out a way to combine evrything & hopefully have a bit more balance in my life.
Hope everyone had a great day.

Friday 18 March 2011

What I know for sure today...

March 18,2011

I know...That I love my girls & my patient,kind & hardworking husband more than words can express

I know...That making chocolate brownies at 5.30am is a sure fire way to get the kids out of bed (what could be better that warm chocolate brownies for breakfast!!)

I know...That I do need to do the housework before I do anymore painting

I know...That I need to stress less & learn to breathe more

I know...That I need to trust that everything will work out just as it should

I know these things are true but that sometimes I think we can all have a hard time believing that if we just let go of some of the stresses in our lives that things will work out just as they should & that no matter how hard we try to hang on & control everything that sometimes we need to realise that letting go & being accepting of whatever happens can be very freeing.

I know this is easier said than done,but I am trying everyday.Is it just a female thing to want to try & work everything out & overthink everything in the process or do men struggle with this as well?

Well that's my thoughts for the day,I'm off to do the housework & finish some more mini canvasses,although I can't guarantee that it will necessarily be in that order!!
I'll endeavour to post pictures of more of my completed art tomorrow.

Have a great day everyone.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Here I Go!!

March 16,2011

Well here I go into the land of blogging!!I'm not sure anyone will want to read my ramblings about family,life and art,but here it goes.I guess this is just a way for me to share my creative process against the backdrop of a very full family life.

Speaking of family, I have to thank my beautiful eldest daughter for helping her technologically challenged mother in setting up this blog & my etsy site.You can follow me on etsy under the name of "with this thread" & I will be listing items for sale in my shop there in the next few days.

I am currently on a weeks holiday from my full-time job & have totally absorbed myself in the creative process.In what seems like a lifetime ago I was fully immersed in the art & craft world,but somewhere along the way in this hectic life & the scramble to pay the bills I have lost touch with what made me truly happy.So starting this week I am going to find time everyday to create art again & in doing so hopefully find a way back to myself.

Here's a sneek peek at some of the mixed media canvasses that I will be listing on etsy shortly...