Friday 1 April 2011

Simplicity-The Rural Dream...

April 1st,2011

I don't know about you,but I am craving a simpler way of existing.This has been a craving that has been perculating in my soul for a couple of years now.My husband & I have both been working very hard at making a life for us & our 3 daughters but it feels like we are just treading water & not getting very far.Do you ever feel like this?

I feel that no matter how hard we work we make no ground-someone keeps moving the goal posts.It feels like we will never own our piece of the suburban jungle!!

Well lately this seemingly working for nothing has come to a head & the dream I have always had is constantly on my mind.Life feels like a constant scramble to make ends meet & keep all the balls in the air.The mother guilt alone that comes with working full time outside the home is enough at the best of times.Trying to find the balance between working & family is an endless struggle.

I desperately want to live on small acerage where we are as self sufficient as we can possibly be.I want to live off the grid whereby we are responsible totally for our power,water & waste management.I no longer want to be a the mercy of greedy councils,water suppliers & power companies.I want to grow most,if not all of our food, so that I don't have to deal with the lies that the supermarket giants tell us with regards to the food that they supply us.

I want to scoop up my children & take them away & teach them a simpler way of life that does not have to be dominated by stress & fatigue.I want to paint & create a way of life around my art with the health of my family at the centre of it all.I figure if I am going to work long hours it might as well be for the direct benefit of my family.

I know that to many that this sounds naive & full of hippy hopefulness.But I genuinely believe that I am not alone in this quest for a simpler existence.So I am going to forge ahead with the belief that if I start & set things in place,that hopefully soon we will be able to start & head in the direction of making this dream a reality.Let me know if you ever dream of running away!!

With regards to my art here are some images of what I have been working on.Check my Etsy shop for the items that are for sale...

1 comment:

  1. I like this blog. Good job mother bear :)
    And dont worry, its not hippy nonense, its human nature to feel that way!

    I love the paintings too, so proud you are following you heart in that way.
